- Phone: Call 731-836-7508, Option #3 to speak with a Technical Support Representative. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, weekends and holidays.
- Email: Send an email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Include your contact information along with a comment or question in the body of your email. One of our representatives will respond to you as soon as possible.
In order to resolve your technical issue in a timely manner we request that you be at the service location when you call in for technical support. If you are unable to be at the service location due to poor cellular coverage in your area the following list of items will provide more insight into your issue:
If your service is working:
- Is this issue happening on 1 device, or multiple devices in the house?
- If this issue is related to buffering, have you rebooted or power cycled the device (unplugged the power, waited 10 seconds, then plugged back in)?
- Are you experiencing the same issue on another streaming app?
- What were your speed test results from the FDC IQ app?
If your service is completely down:
- Have you verified the receptacles the Forked Deer Connect equipment is plugged in to have power?
- Do you have any tripped breakers in your breaker panel?
- What color are the lights on the Forked Deer Connect equipment?
- Do the wires coming from the Forked Deer Connect equipment look intact?
- Are there any fallen branches around the fiber or electrical wires coming into your home?
- Log into your portal to learn more about our Residential Packages.
- Call 731-836-7508, Option #3 to learn more about our Business Packages.